How Much to Regrip Golf Clubs? You Need to Know in 2024

by | Last updated Jun 25, 2024

How Much to Regrip Golf Clubs

Are you feeling frustrated with slippery golf club grips?

Worn-out golf grips can really mess with your swing! But don’t worry; regripping your golf clubs with fresh, new grips can make a huge difference.

Now, you might be wondering, “How much will regripping golf clubs set me back in 2024?

We’ll break down all the costs involved, whether you decide to do it yourself with some double-sided tape and new golf grips (like from Golf Pride) or take them to a pro.


How Much to Regrip Golf Clubs

  • Regripping is essential for better grip, control, and confidence in your golf game.
  • DIY costs can range from $20 to $150+ for a full set of 14 clubs, depending on the grips you choose.
  • Individual grip prices vary from $5 to $25+ each.
  • Pro shops typically charge $100 to $200 for a full set of 14 clubs, including grips and labor.
  • Some pro shops may charge $3-$5 per club for labor only.
  • Signs you need new grips: slickness, cracks, hardness, or clubs twisting during swings.
  • Choose grips based on size, material, and budget.
  • Regripping is an investment in your game that pays off in performance and enjoyment.

Factors That Influence Regripping Costs

Here’s a breakdown of the factors influencing the cost of regripping golf clubs, presented in point form for easy reading:

wearing gloves and golf club in hand
  • Types of Grips:
    • Material: Rubber, corded, or hybrid.
    • Texture: Soft (like Golf Pride Tour Velvet) or firm.
    • Brand: Golf Pride, Karma, etc.
    • Price: Varies depending on material, brand, and features. Fancier grips usually cost more.
  • Number of Clubs:
    • More clubs = more grips = higher cost.
    • Graphite shafts may require special attention, potentially affecting the price.
  • DIY vs. Professional Regripping:

here are some differences:

  • DIY:
    • Requires double-sided masking tape, grip solvent, and new grips.
    • More affordable, but involves a learning curve.
    • Many resources available online for guidance (videos, tutorials).
  • Professional:
    • Convenient, ensures expert installation.
    • Costs more than DIY.
    • Consider factors like shop reputation and location when choosing a professional.
  • Grip Prices:
    • Vary depending on brand, material, and retailer (online vs. golf shops).
    • Compare prices to find the best deals.
    • Consider regripping only the most frequently used clubs if on a budget.

Additional Considerations:

  • Worn Grips: Replacing all worn grips at once is recommended for serious golfers.
  • Grip Tape: Essential for securing new grips and ensuring a proper fit.

I hope this breakdown helps you understand the factors that can affect the cost of regripping your golf clubs!

Cost Breakdown of Regripping Options

Here’s a breakdown of the costs associated with regripping your golf clubs, both for DIY and professional services:

DIY Regripping Costs:

fixing golf club grip
  • New grips:
    • Prices range from $5 to $25+ per grip, depending on brand, material, and features.
    • Consider bulk discounts when buying multiple grips.
  • Double-sided grip tape:
    • typically costs a few dollars per roll.
  • Grip solvent:
    • Helps slide grips on easily.
    • Prices vary but are usually under $10.
  • Utility knife or grip remover:
    • Used to remove old grips.
    • Many golfers already have these tools on hand.
  • Optional: Vise:

Total DIY Cost:

  • A full set of 14 clubs can cost anywhere from $20 to $150+ in supplies, depending on the chosen grips.

Professional Regripping Costs:

  • Factors influencing cost:
    • Shop location
    • Grip type and brand
    • Shop reputation and expertise
    • Additional services (e.g., grip cleaning, shaft cleaning)

Average Cost: Typically ranges from $100 to $200 for a full set of 14 clubs, including new grips and labor. Some shops may offer discounts if you purchase grips from them.

Important Note: Always inquire about pricing beforehand to avoid surprises. Ask about any potential discounts or package deals.

When Should You Regrip Your Clubs?

Here’s a quick guide on when and how to choose new grips for your golf clubs:

wearing gloves and golf club in hand

When to Regrip

  • Signs of Wear and Tear:
    • Slick feeling, even when dry.
    • Cracks in the rubber or corded material.
    • Hardened grips with reduced tackiness.
    • Clubs twisting in your hands during swings.
  • Frequency of Play:
    • Frequent golfers (multiple times per week) need to re-grip more often.
    • Casual golfers (a few times a year) may not need to re-grip as frequently.
  • Climate:
    • Hot and humid climates accelerate grip wear due to sweat and heat.

Choosing the Right Grips

  • Size:
  • Material and Texture:
    • Personal preference (soft/tacky vs. firm).
    • Consider the weather conditions you typically play in.
  • Budget:
    • Balance quality and cost.
    • Invest in good-quality grips for better durability.

Tips for Saving Money:

  • Regrip only frequently used clubs first.
  • Re-grip old clubs as a DIY project.
  • Add extra wraps of tape under the grip for increased longevity.

I hope this helps you make informed decisions about regripping your golf clubs!

How to Choose the Right Grips for You

So, is regripping your golf clubs worth it? Absolutely! Here’s why:

Benefits of Regripping:

golf club grip
  • Improved Grip and Control: Worn-out grips can be slippery, leading to mishits and frustration. New grips from brands like Karma provide a secure hold, giving you more control over your swing and shots.
  • Increased Confidence: When you feel confident in your grip, you’re more likely to play better.
  • Enhanced Enjoyment: New grips feel better in your hands, making the game more enjoyable.

Why Not Stick with Old Grips?

  • Performance Issues: Old, slick grips can lead to mishits and inconsistent shots, hindering your performance on the course.
  • Serious Golfers: If you’re dedicated to improving your game, new grips are a worthwhile investment.

Regripping Options:

  • DIY Grip Installation:
    • A fun project for golf enthusiasts.
    • Requires purchasing new grips, double-sided grip tape, grip solvent, and using a utility knife or grip remover.
  • Professional Grip Installation:
    • A convenient option if you’re not comfortable with DIY.
    • Available at local pro shops or golf stores.


  • Regripping allows you to personalize your clubs with different colors, patterns, materials, and textures.
  • Express your personality and style on the course.

I hope this helps you understand the value of regripping your golf clubs!

Regripping Tips and Tricks

Okay, you’ve decided to re-grip your clubs! Awesome! Here are a few tips to make the process easier, whether you’re doing it yourself or taking them to the shop:

DIY Tips

a man is fixing golf club grip
  • Do Your Homework: Watch some videos online on how to re-grip your clubs. There are plenty of helpful tutorials out there to guide you.
  • Gather Your Supplies: Make sure you have everything you need before you start – new grips (maybe even some Karma grips if you want to splurge!), double-sided tape, grip solvent, a utility knife, and perhaps a vise.
  • Take Your Time: Regripping takes a bit of patience and practice. Don’t rush it, and don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck.

Pro Shop Tips

  • Shop Around: Prices for regripping services can vary, so check with a few different shops to compare.
  • Ask About the Grips: Find out what kind of grips the shop offers and if they have any recommendations based on your swing and preferences.
  • Inquire About Turnaround Time: See how long it will take to get your clubs back, especially if you need them for an upcoming round.

General Tips

  • Size Matters: Make sure you choose the right grip size for your hands. A grip that’s too small or too large can affect your swing and lead to hand fatigue.
  • Consider the Material: Consider what kind of feel you prefer—soft and tacky, firm, or somewhere in between.
  • Think About Your Budget: Set a budget for yourself before you start shopping for grips so you don’t overspend.
  • Experiment: If you’re regripping your clubs, try different grip options on a few old clubs to see what feels best before committing to a whole set.

Remember, regripping your clubs is an investment in your game. With fresh grips, you’ll be swinging with confidence and enjoying your time on the course even more!


So, there you have it!

holding golf club

Regripping your golf clubs is a smart move, whether you’re a weekend warrior or a serious golfer. Fresh grips can seriously level up your game.

You’ll have better control, more confidence, and way more fun out on the course.

And hey, whether you choose to do it yourself with some new grips or leave it to the pros at a local pro shop, it’s not rocket science. Just a little research and some elbow grease (or a trip to the golf shop) can make a world of difference.

So, don’t let those worn-out grips hold you back.

Get your golf clubs regripped, and get ready to see your scores drop!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do golf grips usually last?

The lifespan of your golf grips depends on how often you play and the climate. If you play regularly, expect to regrip your golf clubs every 1-2 years. Hot and humid weather can also wear down grips faster.

Can I re-grip my golf clubs myself, or should I go to a pro shop?

Both options are viable! Regripping your golf clubs yourself is a cost-effective option if you’re up for the DIY project. But if you want professional expertise and a perfect finish, taking them to a local pro shop is a good choice. Everyone has to have their own grips.

What if I only want to re-grip a few of my clubs?

That’s perfectly fine! Many golfers start by replacing only the grips on their most-used clubs, like their driver or wedges. You can always regrip the rest later.

Can I use the same grips for all my clubs?

While you can technically use the same grips for all your clubs, some golfers prefer different grip types for different clubs. For example, you might want a softer grip for your putter and a firmer grip for your woods.

Do I need to buy new grips every time, or can I reuse old grips?

Generally, it’s not recommended to reuse old grips. Once a grip is worn out, it won’t provide the same level of tackiness and control as a new one. Invest in fresh grips for the best performance on the course.