When is Golf Season? When to Tee Off for Perfect Weather

by | Last updated Jun 25, 2024

When is Golf Season

Ever dream of golfing year-round? Imagine teeing off on a sunny course whenever you want.

This guide explores golf seasons across different areas, from year-round sunshine in South Carolina to the shorter Canadian golf season.

We’ll even look at the PGA Tour schedule and what it means for your local course. Plus, you can find tips for finding tee times even during the off-season.

Are you tired of unexpected course closures or bad weather ruining your golf plans? You can learn how to time your golf adventures for optimal enjoyment perfectly.

  • Golf season is not just about the PGA Tour; it’s about when you can comfortably play on your local course.
  • The ideal golfing temperature is between 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C).
  • Golf seasons vary greatly depending on where you live.
  • Some places have year-round golf, while others have a shorter season.
  • Peak season usually means good weather but crowded courses.
  • The best time of day to play golf depends on your preferences (cooler mornings, bustling midday, or less crowded afternoons).
  • Weekday tee times are generally less crowded than weekend ones.
  • Even when courses are closed, you can still enjoy the game through indoor golf simulators or at-home practice.
  • Plan your golf trips by checking the weather, researching courses, booking in advance, and packing the right gear.
  • Have fun and enjoy the game, no matter the season!

What Makes a Golf Season?

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  • It’s not just about the PGA Tour: Golf season is when YOU can get out and play on YOUR local course.
  • Many factors at play: Weather, daylight hours, and course availability all determine the golf season.
  • Regional differences: Golf seasons vary widely depending on where you live.
  • The PGA Tour model: The PGA season hops around to sunny spots, playing almost year-round.
  • Typical Golf Season: For many, this means spring and fall when the weather is comfortable and courses are open.
  • Peak Season: This is usually when the weather is best, but courses can be crowded.
  • Off-Season: Some regions have an off-season where courses close due to cold weather.
  • Year-round golf: Lucky golfers in places like South Carolina can play all year!
  • Shoulder Seasons: Spring and fall can offer great golfing with fewer crowds and pleasant temperatures.

Let’s break down the different regions and their unique golf seasons so you can plan your tee times like a pro!

The Perfect Golfing Temperature

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  • The Sweet Spot: Most golfers find 65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C) the most comfortable for playing.
  • Personal Preferences: Some like it cooler, others don’t mind the heat.
  • Impact of Humidity and Wind: Humidity can make it feel hotter, and wind can make it feel cooler than it actually is.
  • Dress for Success:
    • Warm Weather: Wear light, breathable clothes.
    • Cooler Weather: Layer up and remove items as you warm up.
  • Off-Season Options:
    • Year-Round Courses: Places like Pebble Beach offer mild winters and sunshine for golfing year-round.
    • Indoor Golf Simulators: A great way to keep your swing in shape when courses are closed.
    • At-Home Practice: Set up a golf mat and practice your swing indoors.

Remember, there’s always a way to enjoy golf, no matter the temperature!

Just be sure to adapt to the weather and consider alternative options if your local course has a shorter season.

Golf Seasons Across the Globe

Let’s take a trip around the world to see how golf seasons change depending on where you are.

North America

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  • Northeast (New York, New Jersey, etc.): Golf season in the Northeast is mainly from April to October. Summer is peak season, but watch out for those summer thunderstorms! Spring and fall offer cooler temperatures and fewer crowds.
  • Southeast (Florida, Georgia, etc.): Lucky folks in the Southeast can play golf pretty much year-round. Winter is their peak season with lots of sunshine.
  • Midwest (Illinois, Ohio, etc.): Similar to the Northeast, golf season here is typically from April to October, with summer being the busiest time.
  • Southwest (Arizona, Nevada, etc.): Get ready for year-round golf in the desert! Just remember, summers can get super hot, so early mornings or late afternoons are the best times to play.
  • Pacific Northwest (Washington, Oregon, etc.): The Northwest has a longer season, sometimes stretching from March to November. Summers are great for golf, but expect some rain in the spring and fall.


  • UK and Ireland: These guys love their golf! You can play year-round, but spring and summer (May to September) are the most popular, with warmer weather and longer days.
  • Southern Europe (Spain, Portugal, etc.): Here’s another spot for year-round golf! Summers can get hot, but with stunning courses and coastal breezes, it’s still a great time to play.
  • Northern Europe (Scandinavia, etc.): The golf season here is shorter, typically from May to September. Summers offer the best conditions, with long days and comfortable temperatures.


  • Year-Round Golf: Australia is a golfer’s paradise, with courses open all year long! The seasons are flipped from the Northern Hemisphere, so their summer (December to February) is the peak season.


  • Japan: Golf is huge in Japan! Their season is mainly from April to November, with the most beautiful colors in the fall.
  • Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, etc.): You guessed it – year-round golf here too! But watch out for the rainy season, which can vary depending on the location.

Remember, these are just general guidelines.

Every course and region is a little different, so always check with the local course or golf association to find out their specific golf season dates.

When to Tee Off for the Best Experience

Okay, so you know about golf seasons and the perfect temperature, but when is the actual BEST time to hit the course?

It’s not just about the time of year; it’s about the time of day and even the day of the week!

Time of Day

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  • Early Morning: Teeing off early means fewer crowds and cooler temperatures. Plus, you beat the midday sun, which is great in hot climates during peak season. But morning dew can make the course a little damp, especially in the spring or fall.
  • Midday: This is the most popular time to play golf, so expect crowds. The sun is high, and it’s usually the warmest part of the day. If you can handle the heat and the wait, this is a good option for those who like a lively atmosphere and don’t mind waiting until after the golf season start.
  • Late Afternoon: The sun is starting to set, casting a beautiful light across the course, and the crowds thin out. The temperature cools down a bit too, which is a bonus in warmer areas during the peak season. However, you might not finish your round before dark, especially as the golf season end approaches in the fall or winter months.

Weekdays vs. Weekends

  • Weekdays: If you can sneak away during the week, you’ll likely find more open tee times and less crowded courses. Plus, some courses offer weekday discounts, especially outside of peak season.
  • Weekends: This is when most people have time off, so courses are packed. If you don’t mind the crowds and planning in advance, weekends are still a great time to golf, especially during peak season when the weather is ideal.

Planning Tools

  • Online Booking Systems: Many golf courses have online booking systems where you can see available tee times and often book them in advance. This is especially helpful during peak season when tee times can fill up quickly.
  • Golf Apps: There are tons of apps out there that can help you find courses, book tee times, track your scores, and even connect with other golfers. These can be a great resource for finding tee times that fit your schedule and preferences, even during the off-season or shoulder seasons.

Off-Season? No Problem!

Even when your local course is closed for the season or during inactive seasons, you can still get your golf fix. Indoor golf simulators are becoming more and more popular.

You can play virtual rounds on famous courses, practice your swing, and even compete with friends – all from the comfort of indoors!

With a little planning, you can find the perfect time to tee off, whether it’s a quiet morning round or a bustling weekend afternoon.

And if Mother Nature throws a curveball, you can always find a way to keep your golfing spirit alive with indoor options.

Tips for Planning Your Perfect Golf Getaway

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Now that you’re a pro at understanding playing golf seasons and finding the best times to play, let’s talk about how to plan your next golf adventure!

Whether it’s a quick round at your local golf course during the golfing season or a trip to a golfing paradise, these tips will help you tee off with confidence:

  1. Check the Weather Forecast: This might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s super important! Before you book anything, check the weather forecast for your chosen location and dates. You don’t want to plan a trip to Scotland during their rainy season or end up sweating through your round in the Arizona summer heat during peak season.
  2. Do Your Research: Not all golf courses are created equal. Some are better for beginners, while others are more challenging. Look up courses online, read reviews, and watch some videos to get a feel for the layout and difficulty. And don’t forget to check their seasonal hours – you don’t want to show up to a closed course during the off-season or inactive season!
  3. Consider the Season: Think about what kind of experience you want. Are you looking for warm temperatures and sunshine, like those found during the PGA tour season? Or a cooler, less crowded round in the spring or fall? Knowing the region’s peak season and shoulder seasons can help you decide when to go.
  4. Book in Advance: If you’re planning a trip during peak season or a popular time of year, like the PGA Tour season, be sure to book your tee times and accommodations well in advance. Tee times can fill up quickly, especially on weekends.
  5. Pack Smart: Make sure you have the right gear for the weather. Bring layers if you’re expecting changing temperatures, sunscreen, a hat for sunny days, and rain gear if there’s a chance of showers. Remember your golf shoes!
  6. Enjoy the Journey: Golf is about more than just the game. It’s about enjoying the outdoors, spending time with friends or family, and maybe even discovering new places. So, relax, have fun, and remember that even a bad day on the course is better than a good day at work!
  7. Off-Season Fun: If you’re stuck in the inactive season or your local course is closed, don’t let it dampen your spirits. Take advantage of indoor golf simulators to keep your swing in shape, or try organizing a mini-golf tournament with friends and family. Get creative and keep the fun going even when the weather isn’t cooperating.

With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to planning the perfect golf getaway! Remember, the key is to be prepared, do your research, and, most importantly, have fun!


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So, there you have it!

We’ve covered a lot of ground (or should I say, green?) about golf seasons. Whether you’re dreaming of a spring round in the Northeast, chasing the PGA Tour’s winter sun in the South, or planning a fall golf getaway, there’s a perfect time and place for you to tee off.

Remember, the best time to play golf is when it works for YOU.

Whether that means dodging the crowds on a weekday morning, soaking up the summer sun, or even hitting the golf simulator during the off-season, find what makes you happy.

Now that you’re armed with all this knowledge about golfing seasons, get out there and enjoy the game!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the typical golf season start and end?

In many areas, especially northern states, the typical golf season kicks off in the spring season when the weather warms up, usually around April. It tends to wind down in the fall, around mid-November, as temperatures drop.

Can you play golf year-round?

Absolutely! In places with warm climates like South Carolina, Arizona, or Southern California, golf courses are often open year-round.

What is the PGA Tour season?

The PGA Tour season follows a calendar year schedule, running from January to December. They move around to different locations, chasing the best weather throughout the year.

What’s the best time of day to play golf?

The best time depends on your preferences. Early mornings offer cooler temperatures and fewer crowds, midday is often the warmest, and late afternoons offer cooler temperatures and beautiful light, though you might risk finishing after dark.

Does the PGA Tour affect when I can play golf?

Not directly. While the PGA Tour season is year-round, it doesn’t dictate when your local course is open. Your local golf season is determined by local weather, daylight hours, and the course’s calendar year schedule. For instance, some courses close after the BMW Championship in August, while others stay open later into the fall.

Fahim Joharder

Fahim Joharder


An avid golfer and author, merges his passion for the sport with insightful writing, offering readers a unique perspective on golf.

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